Journalists are the eyes and ears of the public. They are responsible for providing us with much-needed information and honoring the memories of them that laid down their lives in the line of duty and recognizing their efforts; International Journalist’s Remembrance Day was established. Journalists worldwide face threats to their lives as some are purposely targeted and murdered because of their work, while some perish in incidents such as bomb explosions. Moreover, many governments worldwide also target journalists to harass, intimidate and violate them as they cover political issues.



Journalism can be traced back to the Han dynasty in China, which used regularly published news bulletins. Still, in the 17th Century, the general public began to receive standardized information from various reporting publications. Mass-printing technologies like the printing press were developed, enabling the establishment of newspapers to provide news to increasingly literate audiences.


In China, the first records of private newspaper publishers in China can be traced to the late Ming dynasty in 1582. In Europe, the first newspaper is recognized as Johann Carolus’s “Relation aller Furnemmen und gedenckwurdigen Historien,” published in Strasbourg in 1605. Journalistic enterprises were started as private ventures in some regions, such as British Empire and Roman Empire. In other countries, such as France and Prussia, the press was tightly controlled and treated as an outlet for government propaganda, thus subjecting them to consistent censorship. Other governments, such as the Russian Empire, were even warier of journalists and effectively outlawed journalistic publications until the mid-19th Century. Publications became as frequent as weekly or daily as newspaper publications became more established as a practice. A heavy concentration of newspapers was found in trade centers such as London, Amsterdam, and Berlin.


Today’s media consumption has shifted to digital platforms such as e-readers, and smartphones, leading to a decline in traditional media and reduced newsroom staff.




  1. Standards Differ Worldwide

Over 242 various codes of ethics in journalism exist across the globe


  1. Law does Not protect Sources

No law in the U.S. federal courts protects a journalist’s sources.


  1. Difficult Times

Between 1970 and 2018, about 500 newspapers in the U.S. shut down.


  1. Most Popular Site

Yahoo News is the most popular news website, with over 175 million unique monthly visitors as of August 2020.


  1. Oldest Newspaper in America

Founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1801, the New York Post is the oldest continuously published daily newspaper in the U.S.


 Supports Freedom of the Press

This day helps remind the world about the value of press freedom knowing that we wouldn’t have access to credible news without such freedom.

 Honors the Departed

This day serves to honor and remember the numerous journalists worldwide who have lost their lives in the line of duty.


Many people are unaware of the numerous challenges journalists face in their work, and this day serves to create awareness of those issues.


  • The revenue from the Media market is forecasted to reach USD 477.90 billion in 2023
  • The largest market segment for the media is TV and Video, having a market volume of USD 287 billion in 2023.
  • Globally, the United States generated the most USD 477.9 billion in 2023.
  • In 2027, it is projected that 63% of total revenues in the media market will be from digital media.

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