The National Productive Business Civility Day

The National Productive Business Civiliy Day.

The National Productive  Business  Civility Dat, founded in 2020  by Professor Vernet A. Joseph, is celebrated every 13th of June. The National Productive  Business  Civility aims to increase awareness of the importance and power of a productive business. In addition, the holiday aims to attract many effective businesses.  Most businesses worldwide are now engaged in productivity through enhanced relationships, collaboration, and partnerships for economic growth and development.

History of the National Productive Business Civility Day. 

The industrial revolution began in Britain in the mid-1700s. The steam engine was created during the revolution, leading to increased production by the then companies.  As a result, job seekers increased as the farmhands and people from rural areas migrated to the cities searching for work in mines and industries.  Towards 1800, there were more changes as the cotton gin was invented. This machine was considered sophisticated as it could remove cotton seeds, consequently increasing production. The US emerged as the leader in cotton production with this new technology then.  The invention of the cotton gin opened  doors toward automation


However, despite this progress that was considered bold, productivity was negatively affected by the first world war in 1914.  Due to the war, there was a labor shortage, and production ceased.  Industrial growth was only notable again after the second world war in 1945. In the US, productivity increased as the demand for war materials increased and the labor force increased with women entering the workforce. In the 1990s,  there was a major change as companies adopted the internet and digital productivity. Remarkable technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, led to increased productivity, and companies like Google played significant roles in digital technology. In 2014,  Amazon Echo joined the industry and brought access to information by introducing smart devices.  Today, thousands of companies offer technological and digital assistance not only in companies but even in homes.


  • The afternoon-evening slump is real
  • According to various studies, the least productive hours are from 4-6 pm

  • The most productive day of the week
  • Tuesday  is surprisingly  the most productive day of the week

  • Breaks are necessary
  • Do you want to increase your productivity? Take regular breaks. Taking a 20 minutes break after working for 90 minutes will likely boost your productivity.

  • Traveling kills productivity
  • Shockingly, traveling kills productivity. Going to work every day may affect your productivity.  However, technology has made it easy for workers to work from home

  • Productivity decreases after 40 hours
  • Working under pressure may be the driver of success.  Studies show that working continuously at set hours leads to increased productivity than increasing the number of hours.


  • It provides history of the workforce
  • The national Productive Business Civility Day has a rich history of workforce shapers since 1700. It also helps predict the potential changes in productivity in the future.

  • It is a source of motivation
  • The holiday motivates workers to work harder, thus increasing productivity.

  • Celebration of productivity.
  • The day is set to celebrate productivity in companies.  Suppose you like to ensure that work is effectively carried out  in the least amount of time. In that case, the  National Productive  Business Civility day should be in your calendar reminder for celebration.

    Business Productivity Stats

    • The average employee is actively productive for only 31% of the 8 hours, which is 2 hrs and 53 minutes.
    • Stress is the leading cause of low productivity. At least 41% of workers are negatively affected by stress leading to low productivity.
    • Working from home increases productivity. Workers are likely to be 13% more productive when working from home than at the workplace. Workers' productivity has increased by 5% in the US since the pandemic.
    • Spending time on social media while at work is harmful to employers. Employees spend 32% of their work time on Facebook, which costs employers  $ 28 billion annually.
    • Employees get distracted every 3 minutes, taking 23 minutes and 15 seconds to gain focus back after a distraction (Zippia Research).

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