American Adventures Month-August 2023
Since we spend much time indoors in our homes and offices, we spend less time in nature and forget how the outside feels. American Adventures Month aims to encourage Americans to do something more adventurous and travel to understand different ways of living and appreciate humans' deep bond with nature.
Peter Kulkkula, an American adventurer, founded American Adventures Month to promote vacationing in the Americas with the hope that this month would encourage explorers to visit the vast landscapes of the United States, North America, South America, and Central America.
Everyone needs a vacation occasionally to relieve us of the daily stress from being busy with work and family all year. When we adventure, we become more creative, endure more, have fun, and play within ourselves and our companions, and August is the perfect month to plan our next adventure. Take time off, enjoy the outdoors, and see what America offers. Besides being fun, traveling broadens your perspectives, challenges you to new experiences, and makes you appreciate your people and culture. Explore your town if you cannot reach a different art of America and August is the best moment before summer for you to go out.
Although English is the dominant language, it is not the official language in the United States.
Every day in America, 100 acres of pizza are consumed.
- High Power Consumption
17% of global power consumption is in the U.S.
A student in Junior High School designed the American flag, Robert G. Heft in 1958
Alaska once belonged to Russia before it was later sold to Americans.